
How to get rid of lice eggs (nits)? The best remedies for head lice

Head lice. Many people think that only the moving ones are the most dangerous: larvae and adult lice. But this is not at all true! While larvae and lice can be effectively killed with a variety of pediculicides, none of these techniques work for eggs. Why eggs have such protection from chemicals and how to get rid of lice eggs for sure, whether you can electrocute them, freeze them or drown them in water, we will tell you in this article. Visit this link to gain more ideas: flea shampoo for human


We have selected the best combs for you: a metal comb and an advanced alternative - an electronic comb. But let us warn you about products that don't work. Some unscrupulous manufacturers, taking advantage of the gullibility of people and their desire to get rid of lice as soon as possible, simply deceive them! We will tell you about such a product that has been on sale for a long time, but is completely useless. In the end, we will share with you 7 valuable tips for combing your hair and 5 secrets on how to protect yourself from infection. 

The most common questions about the initial stage of lice - nits

What do lice eggs (nits) look like?

These are white oval cylinders a little over 1 mm in size, which are laid by female lice. They glue the eggs to the base of the hair, very close to the scalp - ~ 6 mm from the root. They look like small white grains, but most often they are noticed by touch: nits are like small debris in the hair that cannot be removed with your fingers. The strong glue secreted by the females is to blame for everything - it is needed so that the eggs do not fall from the hair and, thanks to the warmth from the skin, develop further. They are most often seen in the area behind the ears and in the occipital area.

How to get rid of lice eggs for sure? Effective and ineffective methods and products

The most important thing in getting rid of lice is to kill the larvae and adults so that they stop breeding. This is usually easier than disposing of the eggs later, as they continue to hatch and infest your head with new lice. Over the long centuries of human struggle with lice, thousands of ways to eliminate nits have appeared - both effective and completely useless. See our table where we will debunk all the myths and tell the truth about what really works.

Comb - the key to 100% getting rid of lice eggs

Combing out nits is a long, painstaking, but most effective way, which also helps to understand whether all adults and larvae have been killed by shampoo. The main thing in this business is to be careful and be sure to comb out all the eggs, otherwise the lice will again multiply and torment you at night. But do not rush to your home search for a comb: just about anything will not work.

Children's shampoo for the prevention of head lice Paranit

"Paranit" is a lice shampoo for everyday use. The natural ingredients that make up the shampoo make the product effective and its smell pleasant to the touch. Due to this feature, Paranit shampoo can be used for the treatment and prevention of head lice in children. The specially developed shampoo formula allows you to fight parasites without negatively affecting the hair and scalp of the child. Using Fairy Tales shampoo every day will help protect your child from head lice, even if the child will be in contact with other children with the disease.